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Introduction to Website Development

How do Web server Work

How and Where to Register Domain/Sub domain

Website Development Software

Webpage File Extension

Web Development Term

Preparing your Resources for the Site

FrontPage Tutorial

HTML Tutorial

Uploading of Sites

Ecommerce Tutorial




How and Where to Register Domain/Sub Domain

When I say Domain and Sub domain, I know that it will be sounding contracting to many hears.

A name that identifies one or more IP Addresses. The domain name represent the name of a person, organization or company on the internet.

Domain is part of the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that tells a name server where to forward a resource to. The Domain name is mapped with an IP Address that represent physical point on the internet.

Sub domains allow you to create second-level domain names like tutorial.ebini.tk under your primary domain name www.ebini.tk. Sub domains usually come in the syntax of something.yourwebsite.com. Thereby replacing "www" with with a different sub domain prefix

Now where do we Register Domain and Subdmain Name. As we paddle along we shall know it all.

                Next Registration of Domain and Sub Domain

You are almost entering the world top website development gate.



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